Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Things You Take To College But Don't Actually Need

You're super excited to come to college so you're going to do what I did: Force your parents and little brothers to help you carry every conceivable item that you might ever need into your 12'x12' dorm room. Don't do that.

Below are 5 things that you will take to your dorm that you will never need.


1. Your Entire Closet // It's time to make some sacrifices. Check out the recent blog post "What Clothes to Bring to College" for some good detailed advice.

2. Anything that can start a fire because you'll be that person // This stuff is already outlawed by residence life because we don't trust you to not burn down the building after you forget to remove the aluminum flavor packet from your late-night Ramen. But you don't want this stuff anyway. Microwaves, toasters, hot plates. They take up a lot of space. They smell. And there's one available to you just down the hall.

3. Extra furniture // 1) It stinks to move. 2) You might not really need it. // If you're able to wait on it, decide later if it's something that you really want/need in your room. I had a futon in my dorm room for three years and it ended up just being a throne for all of our unfolded clothes and bags. We didn't need the extra seating. No one wanted to hang out with us...

4. An iron and ironing board // This tops the list of pointless crap I had in my room that I never ever used. Even when I lived at home I didn't iron my clothes. Why did I think I needed to in college? All I wore were yoga pants.

5. All of your Harry Potter books // I know this isn't a mistake that only I made. Because my freshman year roommate also brought all of hers. Yep, kid you not. We did not need two sets / 20 pounds / all of our shelf-space taken up with Harry Potter books. Or maybe we did. Idk.

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